Be sure to give Diane Weiss a call at +1 209.745.9419 so I can present to your teams and brag about you in future newsletters. Print them off to use for your next safety meeting or moment with your employees. If virtual meetings are inherently difficult, the current environment the health and economic threats, the overwork, and the social unrest makes them even more so. First, I will discuss what they did and I will finish the article with why I am so excited about it. Permission to use granted when credited and contact information included. Limited meeting times leave no wiggle room for time-consuming troubleshooting. There are many harmful implications of using drugs while working. Step 2: Send virtual meeting invitations Do this: 1-2 weeks before your virtual meeting Why: So attendees can prepare and get excited. Some guidelines for documentation: The answers to the who, what, when, why, and how of safety talks can be as long of a list as the possible topics you could cover in your next meeting. It is important the person carrying out the safety meeting is confident and able to communicate effectively in groups. or other virtual platforms. Back Stretches. Conducting the talk in the work area itself can help employees visualize the information being conveyed, as well as allow the presenter to point out specific examples of what they are discussing. Ill be, Watching Out For Everyones Safety Also, to do the same when entering and exiting the restrooms. designed to help employees improve their performance on the job and improve compliance. Some of the more common names are safety toolbox talks, toolbox talks, safety moments, safety briefings, safety pep talks, and tailgate meetings. This article offers tips for how team leaders can use the functions on online platforms to overcome this barrier and make virtual meetings more productive. Can a Safety Motivational Speaker Really Make a Difference? No wonder its becoming more and more difficult to engage your workforce in safety training. One survey found being forced to work remotely against your preference to do so aggravated substance abuse. After a virtual meeting, managers can reach out to talk to participants who were quiet during the session. Second-hand stores are a great source if cost is an issue. For Line of fire/release of energy, it was suggested that opening doors into and out of the meeting room should be done slowly to avoid hitting someone. What problems have we been having lately? Allowing everyone to contribute at the same time in their own words, with their names tagged, the chat function lowers the threshold for participation. These are topics of discussion and general advice. Locations of taped down cords for projectors, etc. Nobody wants a painful and all-to-real Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). So far, no harm has come of it except to our carpets and cord ties. Help your employees use heavy machines safely and efficiently by discussing the various hazards and then going over the machine guarding controlssuch as barriers, light curtains, and two-hand tripsthat may be in place in your facility. By visiting No one had to prod the audience for answers. Or,contact us for help putting together an effective training program for your business. Test Everything in Advance More than half of all teams waste 10 minutes or more on meeting setup. safety briefing for virtual meetingsaffidavit of death of joint tenant fresno county safety briefing for virtual meetings Menu match the seafloor terms to their correct definitions. If your team is going through a busy period, you can also decide cut down the time that these talks last for. It is also the same five exposures they consider before they perform any job or task. The simple advice; stand while taking calls. Asbestos. Some general questions you can ask yourself to narrow in on some topics: There are many other questions or guidelines you can use to determine what topics or topics you should cover. Working from home due to the pandemic, tens of thousands of people of the world are now communicating with each other in virtual meetings. Recently she discovered the silicone cord-ties on my USB cables. She's on a quest to help people tell clear, fun stories that their audience can relate to. The safety briefing should contain information to alert incident personnel of potential risk/hazard considered to be most critical. Sponsored Content is a special paid section where industry companies provide high quality, objective, non-commercial content around topics of interest to the ISHN audience. Mimicking the old-fashioned conference call, audio-only meetings require acute attention and care to avoid misinterpreting silence as agreement and to explicitly ensure participation of everyone on the call. Check out some sample topics in ourtraining library. Tool box talks, safety moments and pre-start meetings have become a very effective way of maintaining safety awareness and bringing attention to any current or emerging hazards and risks. Keep topics useful, relevant, and timely. Engage your virtual teammates by asking them to stand up and get circulation going in their legs. Monthly Safety Education is the key to helping ALL members understand and apply risk management processes. Kally and I have two cats Nigel and Nikita. Share some winter weather tips to keep your folks safe. When participants return to the large group, they find it easier to report ideas from the small group with the confidence that comes from testing and sharing perspectives in that relatively safer space. Give your employees the tools and knowledge they need by discussing this topic at a safety meetingyou could even conduct a simulated chemical spill scenario. To accept the use of all cookies, click "Accept all". Presumably, I am not alone in feeling most staff meetings are too long, bureaucratic, and held unnecessarily often. Telecommuting can be a chance to heal or the straw that breaks you. To order your own copy Click Here. Please contact Sandie Gilbert at 209-747-2770 and she can help you. Thousands more are learning these techniques because their company purchased a copy for everyone at their site even when John was unable to do a live presentation for them. The aim is to make them feel more informal and personal than a typical meeting. With dozens of potential topics, making a choice can feel overwhelming. There were times I despised the idea of going, but never regretted that I had. Now remarried, Kally and I are looking at post-Covid hobbies. The tools obvious limitation is that not all issues are binary in nature. While OSHA does not specifically require a company to hold safety talks or toolbox talks in any of their standards, doing so can play a part in helping to ensure compliance with some standards. A lack of documentation can be problematic. John Metro's leaders plan to hold a virtual briefing to address what they discussed in a closed-session, emergency meeting Sunday after a safety watchdog detailed lapses in operator training. Upcoming Travel Schedule Work-life balance is much touted as a benefit to telecommuting. Glossary Tag: RMC These meetings, no matter what they are called, are the safety message of the day for a work crew prior to the start of the day. For example, motivation can be enhanced by a pleasurable incentive system, like enjoying your coffee as a reward for a morning walk. The Covid pandemic accentuated this isolation to extremes. Only take the time necessary to cover the topic; do not drag it out. While most employees would never choose to present a topic, you may be surprised to find that many would if given the chance. At many companies, daily safety meetings prior to work beginning is an appropriate practice. Think construction inspection in region 9 in the southwest and fall hazards in region 1 in the northeast. There are many names for safety talks. Use some of the insight here and tailor it to your companys needs. The in-person briefing (or virtual meeting) is the preferred method, according to CAPR 160-1. View our. KPA provides a unique combination of award-winning online training and on-site training delivered by 125+ certified EHS and HR consultants. The EPA has numerous requirements governing the handling of hazardous waste. Is your workforce prepared for the winter weather? Make sure you're taking the proper steps to safeguard the well-being of your employees while protecting your bottom line. As a safety speaker this week, I joined the BNSF Road Way Equipment Safety Leadership Team in Dallas, Texas. Rested, healthy workers are a win-win situation. Besides highlighting the importance of being prepared, your workforce should know how to prevent fires, how to effectively contain a fire if one breaks out, and the details of your emergency action plan. Soft, chewy, durable, and now missing. These safety talks and safety training . Do You Really Need A Professional Safety Speaker For Your Next Event? Get the latest safety communication tips from best selling author and international safety speaker John Drebinger. Allergies and Hayfever. Make sure your safety briefings go beyond being automatic and insignificant. Topics to cover include heat stress and how can you avoid it? Browse the 250+ completely free safety talks below! Deliver a safety meeting to make sure your workforce knows the types of PPE they need to wearand how to wear it properlyas well as the fundamentals of PPE inspections and maintenance. Besides, speaking to your workforce about the risks presented by COVID-19, and how you can mitigate them, is a great topic for a quick, 5-minute safety topic. For years I made a routine of practicing martial arts three days a week around lunch time. It was also pointed out some of us were sitting under chandeliers and if certain weather conditions occurred we would want to move out of their path. When your team meets fifty times a year and requires a colleague to deliver the weekly banal reminder, you may feel your time has been absorbed into darkness. Supplement your safety meetings with other vehicles that demonstrate you care about safety. These talks can be as short as a few minutes or longer than 20 minutes. Engage your virtual teammates by asking them to stand up and get circulation going in their legs. Pillows are invaluable, supplying support for the knees, back, and elbows. I felt recharged and ready to go back to work. A safety briefing emphasizes key safety concerns on the incident and is presented at each briefing session. Your mileage may vary. The staff meeting Safety Minute, by whatever friendly name it gets, always amuses me. Safety meetings are longer and more formal than toolbox talks and tend to focus on larger issues. Dogs and cats have similar, but not identical, signs of intestinal blockage. PPE such as goggles, masks, harnesses, and gloves protect your employees from various hazards and injuries. The tool thereby triggered a richer, more candid dialogue, followed by brainstorming and action planning in the midst of national protests on systemic racism. Copyright 2023 Innovative Safety Products LLC. I try to plan ahead when traveling, researching what I will have available and what I may need to bring in order to be comfortably supported. I also worked from an RV for almost two years and made good use of an articulated monitor stand. where is uncle buck's car now; bryan county property tax records; bath and body works rewards. Safety while using a ladder. This makes it really easy to prepare a talk because there is lots of quality content on YouTube that you can use. Inflexibility. Plus, you will need to be strict with yourself to stay on topic! 1.7 Office Safety Meeting Topics. Breakout rooms. Attitudes to Workplace. Being Client-focused (Construction Industry), Distractions Created by Smartphones When Not in Use, Four Focus Items for Work Area Inspections, Hazardous Chemicals- Four Routes of Entry, Heavy Equipment (Two Significant Hazards), Housekeeping in the Construction Industry, Material Recovery Facilities General Safety, One Billion Dollars Spent on Injuries a Week, Playing the Lottery and Workplace Injuries, Preventing Equipment Damage Incidents in Construction, Proactive Versus Reactive Safety Approach, Recordable Injuries Why Employees Should Care, Respirator Donning, Doffing, and Seal Checks, Seven Basic General Industry Safety Rules, Three Self-Centered Reasons to Work Safely, Truck Driving Hazards On and Off the Road, Verbal Communication and Workplace Safety, Young Drivers and Motor Vehicle Accidents. manager for this is essential and should be expressed prior to testing the Safety Briefing and reinforced repeatedly with staff. Weve done the homework for you. Pinch points, watch out for closing doors. Toby manages the marketing communications team here at KPA. When its vital that everyone listen intently to what is being said, chat may need to be turned off. Creating smaller virtual breakout rooms during large meetings allows small groups of, say, three to five people to talk more easily without muting and unmuting themselves, providing a more natural conversational experience than large virtual meetings. This way, you are helping to create a team that places the highest importance on keeping their operations as safe as possible. emergency exits and locations of severe weather shelters etc.). You can disable third-party cookies in your browser settings. The Biggest Mistake Safety Teams Make in Choosing a Safety Speaker Special Report #01. Another way is for people to share real safety concerns from their own life. 3. The facilitator then quickly launched an anonymous poll: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate the level of psychological safety in our company. When a majority of responses were 3, the executive responded, Clearly, I need to be less assumptive in my questioning! At that point, individuals used hand-raise and were willing to speak up with candid views. 1.3 Electrical Safety. But thats where short workplace safety topics come into play. Youll want to explain the causes of heat stress and heat illness and preventive measures. The person should focus on applicable issues and be able to take counter measures in practical terms to prevent future incidents. Breakout rooms, with specific tasks or topics assigned to different groups, provide a psychologically safe space to test ideas and build relationships. Forklifts, which OSHA likes to call powered industrial trucks, are useful vehicles. 1.6 Chemical Safety. This should only be done if the work area is comfortable, safe, and convenient for all involved in the talk. Always make it a Safe Day. Consider checking out the Members Area of the site. Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common workplace injuries, which make them prime candidates for safety meeting topics. Instead, use that time to continue furthering your safety program! Hopefully, these will help keep your idea bank full for the foreseeable. Establish Ground Rules For example, if youre talking about food allergies, the break room would make the message of your talk directly applicable to the day-to-day activities of your workers. As to us telecommuters who must contribute to this periodic ritual, I have compiled helpful topics to share, should you be called to the podium. Our favorite memorable safety slogans include: "A spill, a slip, a hospital trip." "When you gamble with safety, you bet your life." "Falling on objects can be brutal, wear your hard hat to protect your noodle." Feel free to make up an acronym, quote, or rhyme to keep the topic at the forefront of their minds. One specific example of this is found in the construction standard under 1926.21(b)(2), where OSHA states: The employer shall instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.. Walking/path of travel, attendees were asked to push their chairs in close to the table when they were not sitting in them as it would create safer walkways in a crowded room. All great except There is one challenge here. Top-performing companiesensure ongoing safety and compliance by making time for safety meetings, which promote awareness of life-saving practices and procedures. The talks can cover a range of topics or just a single focal point. Every unit safety officer is required to provide their members with a safety education briefing each month. This is your chance as designated leader to make the virtual meeting employ a physical activity. Now that youve got some ideas on topics to cover, learn best practices on delivering safety meetings. Her persistence gnaws on me. Also known as safety minutes or safety chats, these talks can be done in a variety of ways, but are typically a brief (2-5 minute) discussion on a safety related topic. Excessive heat, natural disasters, and other major safety concerns unique to this season often rear their ugly heads on our job sites. John's New Virtual Training Diane Weiss - Marketing Director; John Drebinger Presentations +1 209-745-9419; The Safety Briefing is designed to occur during the normal work shift and thus will take staff Exercise. A safety meeting may take 20-45 minutes and involve multiple formats, such as a presentation followed by an interactive activity or a group discussion. She's a HUGE sugar junkieand usually starts wandering the halls looking for cookies around 3pm daily. Everyone should also check the speed, security, and reliability of their Internet connections. The in-person briefing (or virtual meeting) is the preferred . Interested in participating in our Sponsored Content section? Getting workers to listen for the entire duration of the talk is a challenge in itself. Some companies do multiple talks daily, and other companies may only do them monthly. This is your chance as designated leader to make the virtual meeting employ a physical activity. At many meetings, the emergency exits are pointed out and actions to take are shared. A Safety Moment is a brief safety talk about a specific subject at the beginning of a meeting or shift. From personal protective equipment to fire prevention, hazardous waste management, fall protection, and more, theres no shortage of safety topics to cover with your workforce. So, what topics should your safety meetings cover? Today is[]. In order not to be tracked by social media widgets, you can log out of all social networks you are logged in prior to visiting our website. Keep topics relevant and timely to the audience. Are they prepared to act quickly in the event of an emergency? Safety briefs serve as important reminders for all Service members to be mindful while enjoying their time off (Photo by: To reject the use of all cookies, click Reject all. Here are some of the points you can cover within this particular topic: You can pick and choose from any of these topics and adapt your safety discussions accordingly to best suit your workforce. assess hazards, and control risk in a wide variety of scenarios. All this can thwart our ability to read social cues and stress our cognition in subtle ways. Are you covering all the safety topics you need to cover with your workforce? John Drebinger Presentations Anonymous polls make it easy to express an opinion without fear of being singled out, and the results prompt thoughtful probing to dig into diverse views. To replicate informal water-cooler moments, managers can use text, phone, or email, to give reinforcing or redirecting feedback. Why Am I So Excited? Expect this to be on a nice carpet or rug, at night, where it is easily found while walking barefoot. Dont wait until an incident happens to find out you missed something. Safety briefings in patient care units are tools to increase safety awareness among front-line staff and foster a culture of safety. Involve as many people as possible and change who does the briefing. As a safety speaker I see a lot of briefings to open a safety meeting. There are good reasons to worry. You can always find the time for a super quick 1-minute safety topic. This was easy for people to call out as they were already listed at the top of five wall size post-it notes in front of the room. Knowing signs of a heart attack serves as an example for the larger issue of just being aware of your health in general. To order your own copy Click Here For example, OSHA requires that employers make employees aware of the hazards of the work that they do and how to eliminate them. Plus, the flexibility of these talks allows you to branch out beyond the topics that OSHA requires you to cover. Thats it. Audio-only. were pointed out. A safety meeting is an ideal opportunity to discuss this topic. Without documenting these efforts, there is no actual proof they were done. Seeing faces creates engagement, but too much visual stimuli (faces and backgrounds) can be distracting, and low bandwidth can add to visual disruptions. To thrive, people need occasions to socialize, celebrate, communicate. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) held a virtual briefing on the FAA Alaska Aviation Safety Initiative (FAASI) on May 6, 2021, from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) to discuss the findings in the FAASI Interim Report. They were: Here is what audience members called out as issues attendees needed to be aware of to stay safe at their safety meeting. this website. Your employees should be aware of fall causes and risk factors (such as wet and uneven surfaces) along with how to protect themselves and minimize the chances of a fall. A lot of value can be added in a short amount of time if the talks are completed often. In another recent meeting, a manager used the anonymous poll function to ask participants to force-rank the companys diversity initiatives on potential impact and current performance. This yielded a 22 map, identifying High Impact/Low Performance initiatives (highest priorities) versus Lower Impact/High Performance initiatives. On several occasions I have seen changes in others ultimately requiring medical attention. Forklifts can tip over, injuring drivers and workers nearby. This webpage providesresources you can use to create meaningful presentations that will reinforce member understanding of risk management processes, educate members on the CAP safety program, and help members feel comfortable and confidentusing risk management in their CAP activities and in their daily lives. Achieving your Team's Health and Safety Goals. But this may be an unrealistic goal due to a Safety managers ever-increasing responsibilities. There is always a danger of something being done habitually losing its impact. It gives me the opportunity to study marital arts, be a caretaker for my family in times of need, allows spontaneous creativity at work, and I can travel as a digital nomad. Pedestrians can get hit, which is especially common in workplaces where a lot of people are moving around on foot. Separate Talks by Category: BEHAVIORAL | CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY | GENERAL INDUSTRY | OFFICE | MOTOR VEHICLE | SPANISH. Send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Scott Adams book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, has some great advice on building systems for success, while recognizing and leveraging the mistakes along the way. Contaminated air in your facilities can cause health problems ranging from bronchitis and emphysema to cognitive issues and cancer. Safety tips to prevent back injury. Multitasking: Effective or Just a Safety Illusion - Capt Cindy Gironda, Assistant Director of Safety, PA-001, Safety During the Holidays-Lt Col Elizabeth Marx, NHQ Assistant Coordinator Special Activities - PA-002, Safety Online -Brig Gen Regina Aye, National Vice Commander, NHQ-001, Frostbite Prevention - Maj Kent Bankhead, Director of Safety, MI-001, Hurricane Awareness- Lt Col Robert J (Bob) Becka, Director of Safety, HI-001, Hurricane Preparedness - Maj John McCrory, Director of Safety, LA-001, Severe Weather Awareness - Lt Col Jim Emory, Director of Safety, OK-001, Snow and Ice Management - Maj Mark Swing, Professional Development Officer, NY-043, 105 S. Hansell StreetMaxwell AFB, AL 36112, Civil Air Patrol is a registered 501(C)(3). As Mark Twain famously said, I didnt have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.. Normally, this would be the job of the teams EHS manager. We use cookies to enable essential services and functionality on our site, to enhance your browsing experience, to provide a better service through personalized content, and to collect data on how visitors interact with our site. The stress of loneliness, boredom, and loss may be dangerous conditions. Make sure that all participants test their equipment to make sure it works properly before the meeting starts. I lost count of the number of times I burned myself filling my tea cup from my electric kettle. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Team Management. Encourage their participation, questions and feedback. There is no short and dry answer to how often your company should be conducting these talks. It sure beats wasting time looking for one when someone is lying on the floor in immediate need of treatment. Depression can leave you unable to engage in proper self-care. However, it can easily yield a false negative. 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