The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland's war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Jews not including losses of Polish citizens from the Ukrainian and Belarusian ethnic groups. They pointed out that Czesaw uczak estimated the total population loss at 500,000 ethnic Poles in the Soviet occupied regions. (200,000 were conscripted into the German Armed Forces, 937,000 were ethnic Germans, 272,000 were Poles involved in the Polish resistance and 815,000 were not involved in the resistance movement. Losses in the USSR included mass executions and the deaths of those persons deported and resettled in the USSR. Krakw 2011, p.447. Stanisaw Jankowiak, Wysiedlenie i emigracja ludnoci niemieckiej w polityce wadz polskich w latach 1945-1970,Instytut Pamici Narodowej, Warszawa 2005, Bureau odszkodowan wojennych(BOW), Statement on war losses and damages of Poland in 19391945. Hello!This is my first mapping video, where i try to simulate WW2 with the help of France and UK.Hope you Enjoy! About 1 million persons were on Volksliste groups 1 and 2 that included Polish citizens of German descent; Volksliste groups 3 and 4 included 1.7 Polish citizens that were subject to future Germanisation. Americas Hungary-Bashing Has Consequences. Materski and Szarota page 30 -rdo: K. Bajer, Zakres udziau Polakw w walce o niepodlego na obszarze pastwa polskiego w latach 1939-1945, "Zeszyty Historyczne Stowarzyszenia onierzy Armii Krajowej", (Krakw) 1996, nr 1, s. 14 (tablica: Obliczenie liczby Polakw teoretycznie zdolnych do oporu wobec najedcw). Around 250,000 of France's 600,000 deaths were military personnel. The last thing Hitler wanted was to find himself fighting a war on two fronts. 621, Grzegorz Motyka, Od rzezi woyskiej do akcji "Wisa". T. Panecki, Wysiek zbrojny Polski w II wojnie wiatowej, pl:Wojskowy Przegld Historyczny 1995, nr 1-2, s. 13,18. 0.510%. He is a Professor of Sociology in the Social Science Division of the University of New Hampshire at Manchester. The invasion of Poland is seen as one of the most significant events of World War 2. 9.462. What were the turning points of World War II? Back then, it was all out aid to the allies, while staying out of the war. Wars entire domain, as it were, is enveloped in falsehood. The invader finds itself doing all sorts of odious things that it did not intend, but which the press of necessity (the alternative is losing) seems to command. Library in the U.S.). They sat behind the Maginot Line doing nothing, France made a few pathetic border skirmishes and the UK dropped leaflets on German cities. [38], In the aftermath of the September 1939 German and Soviet invasion of Poland, the territory of Poland was divided between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (USSR). The Soviet Union (Russia) had by far the most casualties, both civilian and military. The United States went to war. In many cities, they were forced to live in segregated barracks behind barbed wire. Within Poland, the IPN (Polish Institute of National Remembrance) places their estimated war dead between 5.6 and 5.8 million people. Czesaw uczak was a Polish historian, and Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University from 1965 to 1972, from 1969 to 1981 and from 1987 to 1991; director the University's Institute of History. This stance bears close comparison with President Bidens policy of inviting Ukraine to join NATO at some future date, but with no commitment of U.S. military power in the here and now. We cannot know the scale of Ukraines resistance. It is said that in less than a week after . [17] The IPN puts the death toll of ethnic Poles under the German occupation at 2,770,000[4] and 150,000 due to Soviet repression[4]. Also known as. The Soviet Union and China are believed to have suffered the most total casualties, while an estimated 5,800,000 Poles died, which represents about 20 percent of Polands prewar population. [62], B. The manner of the United States' entrance into both World Wars should be a warning to us in how we respond to Ukraine. Of the total deaths, 3-4 million were military personnel and the rest were civilians. As part of my ongoing quest to win favor with the neoconservatives, I would also like to draw attention to another disturbing comparison: Hitlers December 11, 1941, decision to declare war on the United States. Note: The number in parentheses indicates a negative amount (a negative balance)Source of figures: Kazimierz Piesowicz, Demograficzne skutki II wojny swiatowej Studia Demograficzne, No. Human Losses and Victims of Repression Under the Two Occupations) that estimated Poland's war dead at between 5.6 and 5.8 million Poles and Jews, including 150,000 during the Soviet occupation. The C7P was designed to serve as a prime mover for the huge 220 mm wz.32 koda heavy mortar, in addition to serving as recovery vehicles. In East Asia, the victims of famine and pestilence in China are to be numbered in the millions, in addition to other millions of both soldiers and civilians who perished in battle and bombardment. Page 9, Losses of Ethnic Poles during German occupation per year. Only later do we stand much chance of discerning the real truth. Estimated casualties of resistance movements have been included in military figures, other victims of Nazi persecution in the civilian ones. The U.S. Medal of Honor was first created during the U.S. Civil War and is the highest military award or decoration presented by the. Answer (1 of 7): Likely there would be no WWII, but the Soviet action and the results of those would be a question mark. uczak estimated total losses at 6.0-5.9 million Polish citizens, not less than the report of the Polish Bureau of War Damages. Of these various historical parallels, the two which should most hold our attention are the American postures in 1916-1917 and 1940-1941. [2][3] In 2009 the Polish government-affiliated Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) published the study "Polska 19391945. Only for the United States and the British Commonwealth can official figures showing killed, wounded, prisoners or missing for the armed forces be cited with any degree of assurance. Few have ventured even to try to calculate the total number of persons who were wounded or permanently disabled. D. Frymark. However, as history showed, the same could not be said of the French and the British who could have easily stormed through Germany's poorly defended western borders while the bulk of the German army was busy fighting in Poland. Ludnosc Polski w XX wieku / Andrzej Gawryszewski. Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota. The IPN also puts the number of Polish citizens conscripted into the German armed forces at 250,000 of whom 60,000 were killed in action. The Institute of National Remembrance cited a source published in the People's Republic of Poland in 1960 that put the number of children kidnapped in Poland at 200,000 of whom only 30,000 were eventually returned to Poland, the others remained in post war Germany. If Germany attacked France, Poland would attack Germany within 2 days (immediately, if there were any prior indications of the impeding German action in France, Poland would m. This was later corroborated by a top German General, Alfred Jodl, who served as the Chief of the Operations Staff of the Armed Forces High Command (and the man speaking to Hitler in the picture), who stated at the Nuremberg trials that: Dispropaganda is 100% independent non partisan and non profit, in order to keep the site up we rely on financial supprt from our readers. [76], Thaddeus Piotrowski is a Polish-American sociologist. If we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions. Why was Poland so weak in ww2? "Dispropaganda" - An independent and politically unbiased website which strives to tell historical, political and contemporary, unfashionable, hidden truths through the use of satire and humor. [17] ethnic Germans were living in the General Government. Everybody was operating under the cloud of having previously not supported their allies with the resolution demanded by them. Subtracting 3 million Polish Jewish victims, the report claimed 3 million non-Jewish victims of the Nazi terror, including civilian and military casualties of war. Insofar as they did see it coming, as they began to do towards the end, I think they feared it more than welcomed it. Bureau odszkodowan wojennych(BOW), Statement on war losses and damages of Poland in 19391945. How many people died during World War II. Data Source: United Nations - World Population Prospects. (1996). Known as the Luftwaffe. These civilian deaths are even more difficult to determine, yet they must be counted in any comparative evaluation of national losses. The original and supplementary records have since been transferred to the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration located at: 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. No, I dont think they were. Hitler watching German troops on their way to Poland. Whatever there was to do, in philosophical speculation, political action or cultural achievement, appeared to have been done, and done with a supreme vigour and accomplishment, among a people whose history not only had the clarity of distance in time but the wholeness of a completed cycle, from obscurity through world empire to barbarian chaos.. In 2009 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) put the total of Jewish deaths at 2.7 to 2.9 million. The United States, in effect, would guarantee a future peace settlement. After youve shown that your word is not your bond, you face strong pressure to show that it is. Since some of the scholarly sources are disputed and differ on the number of casualties in a country, a range of deaths, both for military and civilian, is given. Just to put things in perspective, the whole budget of the Polish army, came to less then 10% of what the Germans spent on their air force alone. [49] In addition 61,000 . [66] This study was to remain secret and not published until after the collapse of communism in Poland. Poland did not lose the war because it was defeated by Germany or by the USSR, but because it was betrayed by the British and the French, her "allies". Poland lost about 5.9 million citizens or one-fifth of its pre-war population during World War II. Those basic parameters were followed until December 7, 1941. In many battles Poles held their ground against overwhelming German numbers, the most famous of these was the Battle of Wizna, where a single Polish infantry battalion with some 600 soldiers held out for four days against a whole German army consisting of 42,000 soldiers, almost 400 tanks and hundreds more of artillery and armored vehicles. Polska 19391945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami. The aim of the project was to acquire and "Germanize" children with purportedly Aryan traits who were considered by Nazi officials to be descendants of German settlers in Poland. In 1916, Wilson dreaded giving any commitments to the British, who pressed him to throw Americas weight behind a reasonable settlement. According to research by the Institute of National Remembrance between 1939 and 1945, 1,897,000 [29] Were all thinking about what Week Two will bring, but the dreaded question is what Year Two will bring. The IPN maintains that accurate figures for these losses are not available because of border changes and population transfers, according to their figures 308,000 Polish citizens from the ethnic minorities were deported into the interior of the Soviet Union and were conscripted into the Soviet armed forces. The Allies responded to Wilsons posture in the same way the Ukrainians have done in the present crisis: Hello, Uncle Sam, there happens to be a war going on right now, raising the issue of aggression in the starkest terms, so dont tell us what youre going to do later on. . The heaviest proportionate human losses occurred in eastern Europe where Poland lost perhaps 20 percent of its prewar population, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union around 10 percent. MLA Citation: Similar Countries Ranked by Death Rate. Records are incomplete, and the Soviet control of Poland for 50 years after the war impeded independent scholarship. It is estimated that the Soviet Union lost 27 million military and civilians in World War II. While the treatment of factory workers or farm hands often varied depending on the individual employer, most Polish laborers were compelled to work longer hours for lower wages than Western Europeans. The war to end all wars, the great war, the Kaiser's war, the European war, first world war. In order to receive the medal, the individual must have put their own life at risk while performing beyond the call of duty against an enemy of the U.S. Based on the nature of the medal it is commonly awarded posthumously (after death). [17], D. Population Losses 1939 Campaign- Bajer estimated that 69% of the 1,230,000 human losses in Sept. 1939 were Poles. Total. [55] Based on the analysis by Tadeusz Piotrowski roughly 1.0 million Ukrainians and Belarusians and 400,000 Polish speaking Jews were misclassified as Poles in the official figures for the 1939 population. Dispropaganda is 100% independent non partisan and non profit, in order to keep the site up we rely on financial supprt from our readers. Hitler chose to attack Poland first and not the west because he realized that if he attacked France, Poland would be honor bound by its treaties with France and Britain and would attack Germany. Polska 19391945. Second world war, world war two, the great patriotic war. Prior to the war the area which became the General Government was not self sufficient in agricultural production and was a net importer of food from other regions of Poland. [50][51], In 1947 the communist dominated government in Poland estimated war losses at 6.0 million ethnic Poles and Jews, they did not include the losses of Polish citizens from other minorities - Ukrainians and Belarusians. Tell us what youre willing to do now.. Both of those factors are in play today. In his great utterance before the League to Enforce Peace on May 27, 1916, Wilson said that America would join after the war in a new association of nations to keep the peace. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, The Countries That Remained Neutral In WWII. The UK and France Declared War" on German, and that was it. The Fallen of World War II is an interactive documentary that examines the human cost of the second World War and the decline in battle deaths in the years since the war. That recalls some vital conjunctures in American history. 103-36 pp. Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota. The estimates for losses of the Jewish population in the Holocaust range from 2.7 million to 3.4 million persons. Polska 19391945. President Bidens policy is all-out economic war against Russia, with a strict red line against actual U.S. military involvement. Steven Zaloga, Victor Madej. Of the countrys total casualties, about 2.1 million were military personnel while 500,000-800,000 were civilians. Many others were victims of the 1939-1941 Soviet occupation of eastern Poland and of deportations to Central Asia and Siberia. On the 3 September 1939 France and Great Britain declare war against Germany, after the invasion of Poland. It may be time to tell Zelensky not only what we will and will not provide but what we believe are the acceptable terms. Page 30, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum believes that "The Nazi terror was, in scholar Norman Davies's words, "much fiercer and more protracted in Poland than anywhere in Europe." [66] The Ministry of Finance estimated actual losses at 5,085,000 persons, 943,000 less than the Polish government Bureau of War Damages(BOW) report of 1947. The whole strategy of Poland in 1939 was based on the fact that the UK and France, which had signed defensive military alliances with Poland prior WW2, were supposed to attack Germany two weeks into the war at the latest. Below are the countries with the highest World War II casualties. WW2 German Death Card Sterbebild Panzer Black Wrap Uniform Beret 1941 (Krakau) $37.84 + $13.18 shipping . [4], Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths due to Soviet repression at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0 million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets[40], According to Zbigniew S. Siemaszko the total of those deported was 1,646,000 of whom 1,450,000 were residents and refugees (excluding POWs). uczak authored Polska i Polacy w drugiej wojnie wiatowej (Poland and Poles in the Second World War). "Poland in the Second World War." France, Battle of In the early dawn hours of April 9, German troops crossed the Danish border, and German warships sailed into Copenhagen 's harbour. 'Documentation remains fragmentary, but today scholars of independent Poland believe that 1.8 to 1.9 million Polish civilians (non-Jews) were victims of German Occupation policies and the war. How the media destroyed Gary Webb, the journalist who exposed the CIA drug running operations. [1] Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. World War II is considered the deadliest arm conflict in human history. [4] The Institute of National Remembrance maintains that 7,500 ethnic Ukrainians were also killed during this interethnic conflict [27][46], The figure of 5.6 to 5.8 million war dead estimated by the IPN was for only the Jewish and ethnic Polish population. Estimated number of military and civilian fatalities due to the Second World War per country or region between 1939 and 1945. Which country was most destroyed in ww2? A History of Ukraine. During World War II, Irena Szydowska was a courier for the Polish Home Army, an . [56] Polish demographer Piotr Eberhardt maintains that it is commonly agreed that the criterion of declared language to classify ethnic groups led to an overestimation of the number of Poles in pre-war Poland. Even in November 1941, despite an ongoing quasi-war with German U-Boats in the North Atlantic, polls showed that 70 percent of the public still wanted to stay out. Warsaw 1947. As time moves on, and previously closed records become released the full toll of World War 2 on the civilian populations has become better recognized. The number of Germans who died in World War II is not clear. Please help support Dispropaganda by clicking on the "Donate" button and making a. Ethnic Polish losses are currently estimated in the range of 2 million. With surveys, excavations, and other archaeological methods, a team led by Dawid Kobiaka (center) located a mass grave in the woods of Poland's "Death Valley.". Whatever it proves to be, it will show yet again that what an occupying army does is basically a function of the defiance it meets. War, perhaps more than any other human endeavor, brings with it historical memories and comparisons. One month later, he made some peace offers to the governments of Britain and France, who took long to reply. By 1940, between 20 and 25% of the population within the Government General depended on outside relief aid. An additional 660,000 Jews from other countries, were transported to Auschwitz and murdered. These civilian deaths are even more difficult to determine, yet they must be counted in any comparative evaluation of national losses. By Andrew Curry. He was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party in communist Poland. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Corrections? Piotrowski's assessment in 1998 of Polish war losses is that "Jewish wartime losses in Poland are estimated to be in the 2.7-2.9 million range. World War II is considered the deadliest arm conflict in human history. Warsaw 2005. Polish researchers of the Institute of National Remembrance have estimate about roughly 800,000 ethnic Polish victims during the German occupation including 400,000 in prisons, 148,000 killed in executions and 240,000 deaths among those deported to concentration camps,[25] including 70-75,000[26] at Auschwitz. [11] Polish researchers estimate that 1,860,000 Polish Jews were murdered in the Nazi death camps, the remainder perished inside the Jewish ghettos in German-occupied Poland, aboard Holocaust trains, and in mass shooting actions. [61] In 1987 the Polish Academy of Science journal Studia Demograficzne published an article by Kazimierz Piesowicz that analyzed the demographic balance from Poland from 1939-1950. They entered the Old World to reform it but then got swallowed and broken by its enmities. The fact they betrayed Poland and did nothing else for eight long month until Germany invaded France on May 10, 1940 has been conveniently forgotten by many and almost airbrushed out of the general historical memory. An estimated 5,800,000 Poles died, which was 20 percent of Poland's prewar population. "[91], Poland lost a total of about 140,000 regular soldiers killed and missing. Population of 35.339 million includes about 240,000 in Polish annexed Zaolzie area around esk Tn. Comparison Board edit. Fix Europes war system, but do not go to war, said Wilson in 1916 and early 1917. There are no reliable figures for the casualties of the Soviet Union and China, the two countries in which casualties were undoubtedly greatest. Losses during the German occupation of Polish territory were 5.1 million persons. [79], Source of figures: Bajer, Kazimierz Zakres udziau Polakw w walce o niepodlego na obszarze pastwa polskiego w latach 1939-1945, "Zeszyty Historyczne Stowarzyszenia onierzy Armii Krajowej", (Krakw) 1996 Pages 1013, A. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [31] Despite this food deficit the German occupiers confiscated 27% of the agricultural output in the General Government, thus reducing the food available for the civilian population. Although Japan was heavily involved in World War II, it is estimated that only 2.5-3.1 million Japanese were killed in the war, representing only 3.5% of its pre-war population. Jzef Garliski, Oskar Schindler: how Hollywood turned a Nazi into a hero, Israel's former head of Space program says that Aliens exist and that they're among us, The secret truth about the Saddam Hussein - USA relationship, Ben & Jerrys are as 'woke' as they are hypocrites. They were forced to wear identifying purple tags with "P"s sewn to their clothing, subjected to a curfew, and banned from public transportation. Social relations with Germans outside work were forbidden, and sexual relations ("racial defilement") were considered a capital crime punishable by death. [84], Source: Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota. When the Soviet forces returned to Poland in 1944-1945 there was a new wave of repression of Polish citizens from all ethnic groups including 188,000 deported, 50,000 conscripted as forced labor and 50,000 arrested. Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI- 1994, Victims of the Nazi Regime-Database of Polish citizens repressed under the German Occupation, This page was last edited on 4 December 2022, at 17:51. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami. They teach that the fervent desire to stay out of war may succumb in time to what Jefferson called the chapter of accidents. Were just in Week One of the new world aborning, not fully conscious of all the tumbling dominos to follow. The authors of the Oxford Companion to World War II maintain that "casualty statistics are notoriously unreliable". Statistics for Polish World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory. If in the unlikely event he proves to be a genius rather than an idiothe knows Ukraine a lot better than the Americans knew Iraqit is unlikely to alter the conclusion that he has committed a crime. Country (and successor state) Military. Current estimates now show that the number of war dead within the postwar borders total 26.6 million individuals. The Institute of National Remembrance puts the confirmed death toll due to the Soviet occupation at 150,000 persons including 22,000 murdered Polish military officers and government officials in the Katyn massacre. In action territory were 5.1 million persons may be some discrepancies and fatalities! 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