2004. Evans, L. Understanding teacher morale and job satisfaction,. In addition, qualitative content analysis showed that, in order for students to get involved, they need to feel appreciated as individuals whose opinions are valued and taken into account. We investigate chronic absence patterns over time, ramifications of chronic absence on students' educational outcomes, and effects of continued absence across school years. When sociological investigations present many studies of the homeless and powerless, they do so from the viewpoint of the elite (Feagin, Orum, & Sjoberg, 1991). Methodological challenges in meditation research. The aim of this study was to examine the direct and indirect relationship between student school absenteeism, personal factors (academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school,. The absenteeism rates in the majority of schools were very low, therefore, in most cases it was not necessary to replace the sampled pupils with those from the reserve list. On April 18, 2011, public servants belonging to the Botswana Federation of Unions, enjoying a base of 90 000 members, went on strike demanding higher salaries in the first ever militant strike in Botswana since independence. Ramadubu, D. Teachers down tools. Prior agreement to my involvement with the prospective participants had been reached through negotiation with the manager of the school. Pretoria: Juta & co, 2006. . Depending on the organization and country, detailed data might already be available; as in the case of the Netherlands. The most significant personal characteristics vis--vis employee absences are an employees gender, age and occupational status. Would you like email updates of new search results? According to Fraser and Simkins (2010), risk analysis is a tool that can be used to draw a picture of a risk and provide the manager with all necessary information concerning that particular risk. Generally, it will be the responsibility of the family, to train and bring up the child in the norms and values of the society. According to Kaman (1995, p.238), younger employees have higher absence rates, but as employees approach middle age, the rate decreases; Kaman adds that the second rise in absenteeism rates may be observed after the age of 50 years due to an increase in debilitating diseases from this age onward. Absenteeism tendency, cheating attitude and absenteeism attitude scales were used to collect the data. These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures. 376-389. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-05-2014-0054, Copyright 2016, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Visit emeraldpublishing.com/platformupdate to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here. London: Thomson Learning, High Holborn House; 50-51 Bedford Row, 2006. Quantile regression methods were used to establish the causal relationship between absenteeism and academic performance. Keywords: Swarnalatha and Sureshkrishna (2013, p.1) define absenteeism simply as the failure to report to work and suggest that employees who regularly or habitually absent from their workplace are a threat to the organisation and turn it into a deviant workplace. These methods imply collecting data that can be numerically measured and analysed statistically to generalized quantifiable conclusions. Monitoring is an important first step, but it is not yet enough. Goodman and Atkin (1994), also found that replacing an absent worker with a less skilled worker, either from within the organisation or outside, leads to a decline in productivity, and emphasise disciplinary action and an increase in workplace accidents among other negative impacts. Researchers (Yin, Stake and others) have developed strong procedures concerning this methodology as they have got a wide range of experience in this domain. Faculty and student researchers at Kennesaw State University recently partnered with health technology company radaRx to determine the effectiveness of new technology designed to help businesses monitor . Quantile regression methods were used to establish the causal relationship between absenteeism and academic performance. -Use wording such as The purpose of this study . A scientist would like to develop a vaccine againstCovid-19.a. Cohen and Manion (1994) support the views that exclusive reliance on one method may distort the researchers picture of reality. Many of these work-related issues are preventable because they are caused by, among other things, work pressure, stress, and problems with managers or colleagues. Keywords: Absenteeism, Performance, Organizations, Job satisfaction, Habitual, A Critical Risk Analysis of Absenteeism in the Work Place, Absenteeism is every managers nightmare, and organisations should periodically calculate the cost of absenteeism to enable managers to determine the seriousness of the problem and its impact on profits based on the most recent available data (Grobler, Warnich, Carrell, Elbert, and Hatfield (2006, p.123). We all know that we go to school to build our self, our ambition, our goals and our future. If these expectations are not met, the employee may resort to abusing sick leave as a means of seeking a temporary withdrawal from the work situation (Nel et al., 2006). Absenteeism is the regular absence from an obligation without reason. Absenteeism tendency, cheating attitude and absenteeism attitude scales were used to collect the data. Off-the-job training and attendance of conferences, congresses or symposia: Employees attending workshops, training courses or conferences that contribute to their professional development will usually be excused from work to attend these events. This technique can allow an expansion of the perception also as new related ideas may crop up. Satisfaction and comparison income. However, in the worst performing organizations, employees have an average of 9 days of absence per employee per annum. Among the 15, both male and female are represented. Absenteeism Quantitative Research Paper, Reaction Paper Sample About A Movie, What Is A Competitive Essay, How To Write Envelopes Letters, Professional Annotated Bibliography Ghostwriters For Hire For College, Professional Thesis Statement Editing Website Us, Write A Book Freeware Action Research Absenteeism - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The family structure, ideally, will provide a sense of security and stability that will be necessary for children. 2006, p.124). Absenteeism Quantitative Research Paper, Basic Content Of A Cover Letter, Toronto Essay Help, What Are The Steps Of Writing Application Letter Great essay and communication. A quantitative study might gather specific numeric data, such as personal income levels, or it might include more subjective numeric data gathered through surveys of people. This essay may contain factual inaccuracies or out of date material. They stress that organisations should have policies and measures in place to prevent absenteeism from becoming a burden and rendering them to be dysfunctional. But I am among those who strongly believe that there is a certain degree of truth in whatever any person might say as his responses are related to general attitudes existing around him. A qualitative approach was considered when compiling this paper in order to analyse the topic. There is growing evidence that learning is faster, measurably better and more productive in a classroom setting when a student attends classes regularly. Nel, P.S. Employees who are dissatisfied with their work or work environment display lower commitment and are at a greater risk of leaving the profession (Evans 2001). Injuries: Regardless of whether injuries occur at the workplace or elsewhere, affected employees may not be able to perform their normal duties or even go to work. This policy is based on the established notion that absenteeism does indeed relate to negative educational consequences for students but also that the threshold of chronic absenteeism is a meaningful indicator of school success and failure. For decades and even centuries, one of the major concerning issues to the conservatives and modern African literate, is the issue of single-parenting. *You can also browse our support articles here >. It is used to test or confirm theories and assumptions. Front Psychol. However, there are unavoidable reasons such as sicknesses which organisations need to come up with better solutions such as a doctor on call for employees of a particular enterprise. Every year companies large and small are faced with the problem of workers not coming in to do their job. Articulate proper theory use, as well as various inaccuracies of theory use in agricultural education; and 3. What would discourage them to fill in the questionnaire. A culture of absenteeism must be actively discouraged. The U.S. spends $84 billion per annum on absenteeism. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers, 2006. What is the basic methodology for a quantitative research design? Employees present a variety of excuses for these short-term absences, for example, their car has broken down, or they have to appear in court as a witness. Absenteeism is generally harmful to an organisation, but in some instances, not having an employee show up at work would be preferable to having them there; consider, for example, the possibly disastrous consequences of having an ill or fatigued pilot or surgeon perform their work. When they fail to do so, this constitutes an incidence of absenteeism. Population of the study consist of pre-service teachers who maintain education in the faculty of education at the universities in the 2008-2009 academic year and samples include 308 pre-service teachers who study at Faculty of Education at Rize University. Research suggests the reasons for chronic absenteeism are as varied as the challenges our students and families faceincluding poor health, limited transportation, and a lack of safety which can be particularly acute in disadvantaged communities and areas of poverty . To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. In this chapter the methodology and research procedures used are presented. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts about a topic. Education review, 2001(53),27-35. For example, research shows that employees cope with stress much better when they have autonomy, social support and opportunities for personal growth (Schaufeli, Bakker & Rhenen, 2009). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Qualitative research is a type of scientific research where a researcher collects evidence to seek answers to a question. 6 1.4 Key findings and implications Combining the consumer and SMB perspectives revealed a number of key themes from the research. As for qualitative research, it refers to studies that analyze the quality of relationships, activities, situations or materials. Experiments; measurement; nursing research; quantitative research; reliability; surveys; validity. Now days the bank is keeping eyes towards the staff welfare, according to this research the absenteeism rate of staff is decreasing by 15% and impact of this the bank . To that effect, the respondents names were not used so as not to hurt anybodys feelings in disclosing the facts and contents in the data analysis. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. A habit of absenteeism in a student can affect his/her academic performance that can eventually be a problem in reaching his/her goals; his/her ambitions in life and of course his/her future. Volume 2, Issue 6, September 2017, Pages 32-36, DOI:10.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.26.3004 (Department of Economics, Institute of Management Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates), (Department of Accounting and Finance, Middlesex University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates), https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-05-2014-0054. Absenteeism is a factor that must be addressed and curbed by management because if not monitored, it will breed unprecedented events such as risks in the organisation. Smanjak (2008), in a recent study, found that the average direct cost of unscheduled absenteeism to US employers is USD789 per employee per year. absenteeism in the workplace. Employees can be absent at work for various reasons or just deciding to be rebellious as a sign of registering some concerns especially associated with job dissatisfaction in the workplace. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Incorporated, 2004. Although blatant abuse of sick leave is relatively easy to identify and deal with (Levy 2006), it is a pervasive and ubiquitous organisational ill. Moreover, I reiterated that the study was exclusively for academic purposes. This analysis uses linked, longitudinal administrative records to examine chronic absence across years for elementary and secondary school students. Essential features of data storage are covered, with an emphasis on safe, anonymous storage. Studies about the impact of absenteeism in school environments report similar findings. This research project is applying quantitative data analysis with help of primary data collection method. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! To collect data, structured questionnaires was designed for, teachers, students and Parents. Risk analysis can rely on mathematical computations such as statistics to give clear understanding or just a qualitative study after careful summation is made from other literature concerning a particular risk. Family responsibilities may keep devoted parents away from work, especially mothers for example, they need to prepare their kids for school in the morning or take care of them when theyre ill. Employees who habitually overindulge or are addicted to drugs may experience incapacitating hangovers that prevent them from going to work or might resort to staying away from work in order to avoid having their problem detected, seeking refuge in sick leave. In particular, respondents frequently reported that co-workers who were required to step in for their absent colleagues experienced increased pressure and stress. Unreliable transport, or strikes in the public transport system, may likewise keep employees from work. Buffalo: New York, 1995. The need for triangulation is important in order to ensure validity of the process. They both are responsible for the educational and career development, together with the psychological and emotional welfare of the child. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. 2008 (51), 1103-1110. In the Netherlands, this number is $1,545. They explain that any instance where an employee makes a conscious choice not to attend work for any reason other than illness or other certified reasons of absence constitutes absenteeism. View our privacy policy, Gain a full analytics skill set that will enable you to drive, HR Metrics & Dashboarding Certificate Program. Care was also taken to prevent the data collectors from, consciously or unconsciously, distorting the data. Enriching jobs that provide employees with a variety of tasks can, therefore, result in greater satisfaction than routine ones which will encourage employees to be present at work. Organisations that are understaffed may have a higher incidence of burnout among employees. This also suggests that low performers are worse affected by absenteeism as compared to the high performers. Henceforth, it is considered to be the most commonly used instrument by most researchers. The choice is influenced by the strategy, but at the same time it reflects preferences about the kind of data that the researcher wishes to obtain and practical considerations related to time, resources and access to the sources of data. Labour relations Act (Act 66 of 1995). This creates a hostile environment which many teachers will avoid by reneging on their duties in order to protect themselves (Burke 2003). According to Hitchcock and Hughes (1995: 25), in education the most productive approach is a qualitative one. I had to get their permission to involve them in the research. Couglan Clark, A., & Oswald, A. The Vanishing Workforce. Survey B. Correlational C. Causal - Comparative D. Experimental Recent Quizzes Featured Quizzes The question to be addressed in this study is whether employees absenteeism has negative impact on the performance of organisations. In clear words, each section of the questionnaire is related to a particular objective. It uses . Employees who perceive their jobs as unrewarding or failing to live up to their expectations will show an increased tendency to absent themselves from the workplace. First, we will research the most important predictors of absenteeism. 831845. /a > a quantitative study was not an appropriate method absenteeism quantitative research study. As far as teachers are concerned, the most common form of workplace abuse reported is foul language and the threat of physical violence directed against them by students. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The following sections are included; a description of the context in which this study took place and an explanation of the approach used. The advantages and drawbacks of the solution were discussed and several avenues of improvement were suggested too. Abstract: This study seeks to validate the fact that there is a problem of absenteeism amongst employees in different workplaces and analyzes the impact of a persistent absenteeism by employees on the organization. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Swarnalatha, C. & Sureshkrishna, G. Absenteeism a menace to organizationin building job satisfaction among employees in automotive. The excessive non-attendance or habitual late-coming of an employee may speak volumes about both the employee involved and the organisation itself and always bears further investigation. Technology Integration in Higher Education During COVID-19: An Assessment of Online Teaching Competencies Through Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Model. Future-proof your career in HR by continuously expanding your skill set with the latest and most relevant HR skills. Can We Rely on Job Satisfaction to Reduce Job Stress? And the way of conducting staff welfare strategy within the HSBC. Above all, it was important that questionnaires be distributed only to those who possessed the desired information. Introduction. They were also asked to make reasoned and critical assessments of questions and possible answers. Because of the countrys strict regulations, Dutch companies are required to track absenteeism, which means that they already have access to more detailed data than a vast amount of companies in other countries. Preventable absenteeism is often the consequence of deeper issues, like a conflict with a manager or work stress. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. The internal consistency based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the inadequate preparedness factor was = 0.854; for the lack of knowledge factor was = 0.858; for the risk perception factor was = 0.864; for affected social relations factor was = 0.817; for work pressure factor was = 0.754; for absenteeism was = 0.735, and for the whole scale was = 0.912. For this purpose, a mixed methods research was designed. Nel, P.S., Werner, A., Haasbroek, G.D., Poisat, P., Sono, T. and Schultz, H. Human Resources Management7th edition. The research hypotheses emerge as the study develops. Moreover, workers who have been absent from work will return to an increased workload, which in turn leads to increased work pressure, making them susceptible to further absence from work (McHugh 2001). Stress triggered a. According to Stake (1995), whatever the type of study whether experimental or quasi-experimental, the data collection and analysis methods are not exact. 8600 Rockville Pike 'Examining Factors Contributing to Indiscipline in Primary Schools in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya', in Pedagogical Research Vol 3 Issue 2. Closely monitoring absenteeism also helps organizations compare their scores to the rest of the market. . Research Tools for Primary and Secondary Research, Useful and Reliable Article Sources for Researchers, How to Organize the Format of Your Writing, Argumentative Versus Persuasive. 13, No. PMC With qualitative research every precaution should be taken to interpret the data as they are presented by the respondents. -If using a theory, state the theory you plan to test. A business or MBA research paper on absenteeism of workers presents evidence that absenteeism has many negative effects on the companies themselves. Nurs Stand. The questionnaire will be used only to gather information for the teaching staff and students section. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. They decided to stay away from work (Ramadubu, 2011). Clarify the definition of theory in quantitative research in agricultural education; 2. Also, they were in the average age group 18 to 19. 2021 Aug 26;12:736522. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.736522. Have You Chosen the Right Topic for Your Research Paper? Correlational Researchc. Haasbroek, G.D. Schultz, H.B. Levy, A. Absenteeism rates also vary considerably by student subgroup. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. seasonal flue or a chronic illness). For this particular research, two popularly employed data collection techniques were resorted to, namely, questionnaires and interviews. It is therefore conceptualised and associated with prolonged work-related stress, within employees who have direct contact with other people from different portfolios or other. The truancy numbers will continue to increase at an exponential rate if there remains no integration of disciplinary perspectives to form a collaborative solution (Donoghue, 2011). The role of community members in curbing pupil absenteeism in Piisi. At a time when global school absenteeism figures are rising at an alarming rate, this study shows that the teachers attitude in class is a crucial determinant of students involvement or avoidance. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. A questionnaire is a sequential set of questions specially designed to tackle a specific objective. As the term suggests, qualitative research is based on qualitative research methods . Also, it tends to predispose the absent teacher to even more absenteeism to avoid the pressure of the heightened workload that awaits him on his return. Thats why long-term disabilities pose an enormous risk for employers, and why it is an excellent incentive to start applying HR analytics. Al-Fudail, M., & Mellar, H. Investigating teacher stress when using technology. Bad weather and transport problems: Extreme weather conditions, such as floods or heavy snow, may make roads impassable or trap people in their homes, making it impossible for them to go to work. The quantitative part of the survey completed by the participants indicated a relatively high level of shelter personnel's satisfaction with the education received by children residing in shelters. A simple check of an employees absence record will enable an employer to distinguish between genuine sick leave cases and instances of sick leave abuse. This means that almost one in every ten employees is absent when they are required to be at work. eCollection 2021. Reliability has been ensured by taking the following measures. A similar effect was also reported for commitment to the organization (Somers, 1995). Badubi, R.M., 2017. This research will also be of help to identify variables apart from results to evaluate the level of the problem. Greenglass, E.R, & Burke, R.J. Strengths of this approach include: Replication Repeating the study is possible because of standardized data collection protocols and tangible definitions of abstract concepts. Working from home is however not practicable for teachers, as they need to interact with learners. Understanding and critiquing quantitative research papers. Causes for employee absenteeism vary. Journal of International Business Research and Marketing McHugh, M. Employee absence: an impediment to organizational health in local government[J]. The research is of importance to XY Company Limited management because they will find out key factors affecting motivation at their organization. In a UK-based study on the abuse of sick leave, 40% percent of respondents admitted that, at one time or another, they had taken sick leave when they were not ill. Of this 40%, 7% indicated that they resorted to such behaviour often or all the time (Levy, 2006). Context and Rationale, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research Cause and possible solution to the problem of absenteeism on students' academic achievement: The case of Seco ndary Schools Addis Ababa., Ethiopia. Rather, the explanatory design will be highly suitable as this research is based on the investigation of the causal factors of the problem. However, the problem in case studies is to establish meaning rather than location. In research from Porter Novelli, 70% of employees said they wouldn't work for a company without a strong purpose, and 60% said they'd . 2006, p.295). International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications | IJSRP Organisational culture: If an organisation entertains an absence-tolerant culture, its employees may regard this as a hidden benefit, an opportunity that they dare not miss. 32 Terms. 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