Stunned, Rita gently places the clothes basket on the ground, and walks over to the bedroom door. I still can't believe I'm actually adopted for over 11 years, all those times I've been mistreated. "Yes, of course, Leni, that idea was pretty dumb" added Lynn. Lori looks at her sleeping brother with a smile and kisses his forehead, just like she did on that night 7 years ago. asked Lola. "So when are you going to pour your heart out to her?" *goes with them*. Lynn Jr.: Iwanna see Mr. McBrides college baseball trophies. LUCY: I don't know if I shouldn't call him my brother. LYNN SR: Lincoln, son, you are adopted. Luna was left alone to ponder her mother's words. We're your family now, Lincoln. Much like with Luna, each sibling distributed their love letter to their crushes, and were waiting for the results. She has a yellow and blue gift bag in her hand that holds Clydes apology gift. Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. The sisters look at Lincoln and notice the bruises on him. Lori: Yes. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering . ", Lincoln: "It was great. Lincoln: "Hey Lori. First published Oct 08, 2019 Mature Save the date AU After Lincoln returns home, he comes face to face with an outraged Lori Loud who is heartbroken after Bobby breaks up with her. YOUNGER RITA: (gasp with glee) He's perfect! Working together, the siblings score a few times, but are still having fun. ", Lori: "It's okay. "She's in love, dear sister. I have to get back to doing the chores, but talk to me when you're feeling upset again.". Here is my 7th Fanfic of The Loud House, enjoy reading this. Hello everyone it's me, MuppetSpot. You know how long Ive been SAVING to buy this? Then the staff came in and took those boys away. The parents look at Lincoln and are shocked. The two stay at the arcade for an hour. Mike: (snickers) "Or what? What do you want? ", Lincoln: "Wow. LENI: She's right, Linky. I must be over my crush. Lori: SHUT. Now, any parent would respect their child's privacy, but as a mother, Rita grew even more concerned. Okay then we'll watch that. Lori just broke my heart! Lincoln: "Then Lana tripped and accidentally dropped her bucket of worms on Lola! If you are not, that's fine, but please respect my opinions. SISTERS: AND THAT'S WHATS MAKES YOU OUR BROTHER! *SCENE: The Loud House. As she was running, Rita was walking by with a basket full of clothes. He has a bored look on his face and he's justeating his meatloaf while looking down. (Lincoln is initially horrified at this truth, Luna tries reaching to him, but he pushes her and run upstairs to his room, completely appalled). I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! "Aw, the old it's not you it's me thing. She applies some to her right hand, then, without warning, she grabs Lincoln's left arm and put some on it. "Hey, Sam. And you're a real Loud sibling, too. *, Lori: Oh my gosh, Whitney, you should see my new dress. Lynn Jr.: *blushes* Thanks, Clydesdale. What are you gonna do about it, toots?". Lori: "I know how you feel. Lynn Jr.: *sniffs* Yeah, well, if you tell anyone, Ill bat you to the moon, OK? Maybe when we go out to eat, I can get him to open up." Lynn Sr.: "Lori, your mother and I are very proud of you. (At the house, the younger version of all the older sisters are all playing with each other; Rita walk in the house with her new son in her hands). Without much prompt, the sisters fought each other. I guess Clyde was right. LINCOLN: (enamored) Wow, that was beautiful and sweet of you guys. Luna arrives to Sam's house a few minutes late. The two teenagers are having fun too, and told the siblings that they make a great team. Clyde: You're a great friend, Lincoln. Lynn Jr.: I get what youre saying, sis, but dont you think youre overreacting a little? Luna looks down at the floor in rejection. "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. Give Clyde and the McBrides our regards. Can't a girl just want to spendsome time with her little brother?". I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. He goes inside the restroom. I miss Bobby, too. LINCOLN: (holding his head) Ugh. The two go inside. (A younger Rita at an orphanage, where a worker is showing Rita multiple babies). OUR ONLY BROTHER! Suddenly all of those sappy songs about love she had heard over the years made more sense to her. (Luna kissed Lincoln on his forehead and wipe the tears off his face with a tissue). They were mad about the football incident because they made a bet and they lost 50 dollars and they blamed me for it and, and-", Lori: (comfortingly)"Shhh. *goes back into kitchen, dumps bloody vegetables into garbage can* Ugh, dang Clyde. ", Lori: "What do I- Lincoln. "No problem Lincoln, I will take you out for ice cream later," Lori said. *goes downstairs, sees both her parents and Lincoln looking angrily at her* Whats wrong, Dad? Eventually, they slowly became supportive of their sister, and they gave her the encouragement she needed. ", Lincoln: "Why are you surprised? ", Lincoln: *sighs* "It's fine. (to Lynn) And you keep kicking him when you think he has been bullied. "Luna, I know that your first crush is hard to get over, but I assure you that things will get better. LINCOLN: (blew into his tissue) Are you sure, Luna? ", Sweat dripped from Luna's forehead. Luna shuts the door behind her when she was immediately bombarded by a family hug from her siblings. Clyde: Uh Lincoln, Rusty has a brother. (Luna leaves Lori's room and goes to Lincoln's, she knocked on his door; In his room, he's depressed and/or miserable at this revelation), (Luna came into Lincoln's room and sat next to him). Luna could feel the awkwardness of the situation. Rita gave a serious, but consoling glare. She turns the water on fully expecting hot water to erupt from the shower drain. Luna and Lincoln both sighed in disbelief. My fifty-fourth fanfiction. Sure, their crushes may not feel the same way about them, but at the very least, it was worth trying. ", Drake: "Are you the same kid who had his sister pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games? "Maybe Luna could put some more letters in her locker" concluded Leni. To most folks, Christmas is the best time of year, lots of kids are out of school, snowflakes start to fall, roads are covered in snow and lakes turn into ice, but for some, it's time for the warm fire, cozy sweaters and a nice cup of hot cocoa, and believe me, there is no other place to start than my favorite place in the world, like Royal Woods Michigan. "Bossy teenagers, a non-practical entertainer, a pageant princess brat, a sporty fanatic." The older twin could go on. "Besides, Mom and Dad both told you that you couldn't do any witchcraft anymore" added Lana. ", Lori: "We're not buying it. Lily followed her brother upstairs, and heard some crying in Lori's room. As Luan laughed on, Lisa just continued to fume, until she took out a whistle and blew on it. LINCOLN: Well, at least I know that I am beloved by my sweet family. "Come on, Luna," says Lori "let's get you ready. Lynn Jr.: *sits next to Clyde at the table* Listen Clyde, I know youre hurting right now, but trust me, itll get better over time. (Lincoln and Luna walks down stairs and joins with the other sisters on the couch. Howard's ex-crush Eric McLean's name is an amalgarhythm of two of my least favorite characters in animated history; Eric Cartman from South Park and Chris McLean from Total Drama Island. ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? Lincoln - the very same Lincoln Loud who was strong-willed and intelligent - was crying. Aren't you happy for them? asked Lynn. After a prep talk from her siblings convinces her that Sam wasn't out of her league, Luna was inspired to go the extra mile by giving her crush a love letter. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. I'm scared to sleep alone. I love you all. How could she hope to love again if her heart was heavy with sorrow? It's okay, Lincoln. Sam looks her over observantly, and smiles warmly. Lincoln: "Why are you doing this?! I didn't realize how much I liked hanging out with Ronnie Anne. Lori: Uh, HELLO? Clyde: Wow Lynn, I dont think Ive ever seen you cry before. ", Sam turned her glance to the rock star. We pretty much wasted our time. Lily noticed that the house seemed to be a little less noisy, and it felt a little off. He really misses Ronnie Anne that much? Mike tells Duncan and Drake to hold him against to the wall. We always look up to you for guidance. Without a moment's hesitation, Luna runs to the kitchen wearing mix-matched clothes. While she was glad that they supported her, Luna clearly didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time they screamed this loudly. "We always knew that you were pining for her" chuckles Luan "get it?". One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. LISA: I thought you were an albino, Lincoln. Lynn Jr.: *has been in the kitchen blending a protein shake, overhears her complaining* The Clydesdale got another of his nosebleeds on your snack, huh? He misses Ronnie Anne. (Lisa pats Lincoln's head gently as he rubs Lisa's hair). She desperately wanted to believe it. What happened? Carlota is still having me try on new clothes, but no problems here. Think of all the negative ways. *hangs up* Honey, we're having one less for dinner tonight. As a family, we should help each other when we have problems. "So, how did she respond to the letter?" "Sometimes people retire for one reason or another but, you did see his final episode and enjoyed it right," Lori said. I guess we're due for some bonding time. You were just shocked, that's all. He was currently sitting in the living room of a destroyed house. I had a bad dream. Lynn Jr.: I wanted to check on you, Clydesdale. ", Mike: That's right! Why wasn't this meant to be?". Luna tilts her head down ashamed. Justdon't ever think you need to deal with things like this alone. Lincoln shouted loud enough for the people in the cinema to hear, including Lori. The practice went on a couple of hours, each hour being greater than the last. And it looks like he needs it now more than ever. "She likes me, mom, but she doesn't like me that way" explained Luna. Lori: "What does it look like? (It cuts to Royal Woods, Michigan all covered in snow, and the Christmas decorations are set up, Snow plows were plowing snow off the roads and sidewalks, the fireplace was lit up and everyone was poring in hot cocoa, from the radio and Television airwaves, Patchy Drizzle was making a weather statement) Patchy. A few short minutes go by when Luna suddenly jolts out of her bed. ", Later that night, we see Lincoln, who has a couple bandages on his face and is wearing his pajamas, in his room getting ready for bed. I'm late!". She places her hand on Luna's heart. Yeah, youre a little gruff and brash, but you have a good heart. Remember whenI took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out? "You're right, Lincoln. They notice their mother sitting at the dining room table reading a book. Lori, wearing her sleep wear, enters his room. It was wrong of me to slap you and to say those horrible things to you. What do you want from me? (Rita gives her son to Luna, she cradles him while he coo's). He needs to know the truth. Lincoln: (talking to himself) "What is wrong with you, Lincoln? LANA: That goes to me, as well, Lincoln. As she said this, she was applying the suncreen on Lincoln's other arm and chest, much to his annoyance. "Well, I'm glad you could make it. First we'll go to the beach, then we'll go to the arcade, then we'll have lunch, and finally, we'll see a movie. Lori: (soothingly) "There, there. Lori: Thats great, Clyde! They won't hurt you anymore. ", Luna defiantly shakes her head. I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". AndI get how youre feeling and upset. Was it worth it? Lincoln looks around. "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. Clyde reminisces on the misadventures he and Lincoln engaged in, Ronnie Anne talked about how she used to tease him a lot, Grouse remembered when Lincoln's action figure was tossed into his backyard and he kept it, etc. Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been hurt worse, I probably would've had a few broken bones as well.". Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much. Rita shook her head in understanding. ", Lincoln: "Well, you two only have a year before you go to college together. "Sure, no big deal." Bobby: "Wow. Yesterday, Lincoln had uncovered a love letter signed to a certain "L. Loud." As all of the siblings' names begin with the letter L, this only further complicated matters. *grabs some now-bloody carrot sticks from the plate, shoves them into Clydes nose*. Lori says this as she puts sunscreen on herself except her back. The two arrive and the house and walk inside. "It's Lincoln and he's crying" whispered Lisa. It would seem as though being rejected punched the wind out of her lungs, robbing her of her energy. Clyde: *sees her, pupils dilate* L-L-Lori? Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. While the Loudsisters are in their rooms doing their own things, Lincoln is in his room talking to Ronnie Anne on his laptop. Thoughts of her beloved fluttered through her mind like butterfly wings. Luna's heart shatters on impact upon hearing these words. LORI: (shocked) Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? Luna, bring me the first aid kit. Just seeing Sam again made her stumble on her words. The two make it to the beachwhere there isa lot of people. We bet 50 dollars that you would win. Lincoln then pulls out a picture of Ronnie Anne and looks at it. *projectile nosebleeds onto her dress*. It's gonna be pretty lonely without Leni. Rita: "Well, Lori already taught them a lesson. That's true; she didn't leave her initials on the letter when she wrote it, so how would Sam know that she had written it? Lincoln, who had been trying to keep himself from crying for his sisters' sake, couldn't help but to let a few bitter tears escape his eyes. As she made her way to the door, she could hear her siblings buzzing about in regard to their crushes. *. Yeah, shes gotten into our usual sibling brawls, but shed never hurt you one-on-oneor at least, not until now. You don't want my back to get burned, do you? Is anything broken?! Lincoln chuckles. "Well, I confessed my feelings to him, but he already had a girlfriend.". Tell your sisters and parentsI said 'hi'. LUNA: Yeah, bro. You guys had gotten bad moments with him. Clyde: Umthanks. (sniffs), (Lincoln then shed tears on his face and he cries once again as he's crying into his hands. LENI: Yeah, Linky. While I love all of you, you just hit home for me, with your intelligence at all. I cant believe you! As if on cue, the rock star boy and his two friends walked past the lockers. Harold: Oh Howie, Lincoln doesnt want to, Lincoln: *notices how serious Lynn Jr. looks* Actually, Id really love to see that, Mr. McBride. We had a lot of fun. Family; 1, genetics; 0. Lynn Jr.: Mom just told me what you did to Clyde! She heard nine other gasps behind her, and braced herself for the incoming storm that was the other sisters wanting to chip in and help. He really loved her, and he would do anything for her. ( Everybody started to hug all each other even the pets, and the parents are that Lincoln was in their family). Luna broke her hug with Lori, and she began to run up the stairs. You cheated! *hugs both Clyde and Lynn Jr.* Im so happy for you two. Im just feeling kinda raw right now. He then sighs. "Can Bun Bun come as well," Lincoln asked. If you should be mad at anyone, you should be mad at him! Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. I'd wonder if we're not even family, Luna. *sigh* And I've been real harsh to you guys before. ", Lori: "No need to thank me. Rita: You're grounded until you apologize to Clyde for being so cruel to him and slapping him! *nosebleeds on the plate*. Collab with SonicN. Lincoln then faints on top of the linoleum floor. YOUNGER RITA: I was gonna named him "Luke" or "Lane". Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away, Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, made you guys do chores and other favors so I could give you rides, I took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out, acted like I was better than you because of a limo, pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games. Her siblings immediately take notice of this. ", Lincoln: "Like I said, I'm really tired. She remembered how Lincoln was having difficulties in school, so he hired a tutor, and how all of her daughters (sans Lily) were heads over heels about that man. ", Bobby: "Hmm. Man, your priorities are REALLY screwed up! (Rita shows off their newest sibling to the girls and they're all excited that he's a boy, they run up to him). Now the noise from earlier was the cause of what is known as a "Sister Fight Protocol." "Oh thanks," Lincoln chuckled embarrassedly. Luna was pretty happy with herself; even though she was worried about what Sam's reaction would've been to the letter, she seemed to reciprocate what was written on it. Lincoln: "I'm fine, mom. LOLA: (to Lori) You kick him out of your room, all because he accidentally stumbles in there. Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. I bet you really loved playing this with Ronnie Anne. NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE! Complete. Lori's annoyed looks truns into a worried look. Lori pulls a bottle of sunscreen out of her purse. The boy was Lincoln Loud, now at the age of 16. ", "Well, if you two hang out with that boy a lot, why not tell Sam in secret when you're finished practicing? How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". Lincoln: I know you do, buddy. Alright, I'll do it. I've enjoyed spending time with you. ", Lincoln grinned. Y-you broke the present I loved s-so, so much! Sure, Sam might not have known who the letter was from, but she was certain that she would confront her one day on her feelings. The door to the house opened, and in ran a tearful Lincoln Loud. "Lynn pantsed you and you didn't bother picking up your pants," Lori said. "Why are y-you here? Lisa said, clasping her fists. Maybe, I'm not a real Loud sibling. "So, Luna, you've been hanging out with Sam for long times haven't you? The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. I'm putting sunscreen on you.". Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. From the other side of the door, Luna could be heard visibly crying. Lincoln sighs in defeat. I was wondering if you would like to join us to watch TV. There has to be a reason for all of this. She then began her long walk back to the Loud house. (Lisa wants to attack them, but Lori restrains her). ", Lincoln: "Well, I don't want to eat here. Just then, Lori comes in, carrying a plate of crudit.*. ", Lincoln: "Yeah. Her siblings stopped talking when they heard the small clicking of the door. LISA: Usually I don't prefer these emotions, but (livid) Yahhh! LOLA: Who cares, I still don't like him. All over a go in Total Trash Takedown. All of the siblings make a joke out of this whilst Lori's cheeks blush red. inquired Leni. LUNA: Hey dude. Just for you.". SCENE: Dining room of the Loud house. Guys, nothing is wrong. He hugs Lori, who in turn hugs him back. ", Lori: "I know. Luke is somewhat dim, reckless, and mischievous. If you don't mind, I think I'mgonna turn in. "Don't worry, Luna," began Lori "this was just a minor setback. "I propose that we make a spray that will make Luna be the only center of Sam's affections.". The loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken Luke and Manny, like the typical teenage boys they are, traveled to Alex's campus to find college girls to flirt with. Lincoln rushes over the game and Lori follows. He packs up his microphone and leaves alongside the other girl. Loud." LENI: Thanks for all the nice compliments, Linky. And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. Before I could leave the restroom, three guys came in and started punching me. Apart those bullies beating you up, how was your day with Lori? "Oh yeah," Lincoln said. ", Lynn: (livid) "Where are they?! And if there's someone he would like to see it would be me.". After the two sit and enjoy the view for a couple minutes, Lori speaks up. LANA: Even if you're adopted, you're still family to us. You should already know the rules! Luna was trying to put on a face of understanding, but it was only self-evident that she simply didn't want to break down in front of her crush. Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. - Lori said sweetly (Lincoln then hops off the couch and run to his room to do his homework, Luna walks in) LUNA . You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. Lincoln starts shaking in fear. He's so happy that he has ten incredible and wonderful sisters with him). Sorry for yelling. I, um. ", Lori: (surprised) "Really? I just feel a little tired right now. Lincoln opens the door to reveal TEN girls roaming the upstairs hall, everything is in chaos. My heart is broken forever. *growls, speaks into phone* I have to go, Whitney. "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. LANA: Yeah, we love when you play with us. But still, how and/or why my hair is white? We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". An event that ha genderbent!loud house x reader (A Loud Life). We're all here for you. LOLA: Yeah Lori, and I am a pretty sister. Lincoln makes his way to the restroom. (As she punched him in the side) Lincoln: (In pain and fear) P-please Lynn I-I gotta get to the exam! ", Rita: "Are you sure? LORI: Don't worry, Leni, we still love him. I wish we could've hung out a little more. ', Ronnie Anne: "Oh, things are good. "I noticed you've been having some emotional turmoil, and while I'm a girl of no emotions, I'd put that aside. "Boy, Luna is totes freaking out about this," says Leni observantly. Lucy: "So Lincoln. (out loud) "Okay. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was awa After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de Lincoln Loud has ended up in the Hospital after the events of Brawl in the Family. Luna watched her a few more times, having her thoughts conflict with each other. Because Luna wasn't seeing where she was going, she nearly collides with her mother. They got their accomplish their plan from the lack of . "T-thank you" said Lincoln, new tears spilling from his eyes. LORI: You fainted after Mom and Dad revealed to you that you're adopted. Lori: *growls* Well, then I guess Im grounded until pigs fly! Leni, you wanna come with me? Lincoln: (Struggling to break loose) Ah Lynn, please I gotta get to- Lynn: (Makes a buzzer noise) I don't want to hear it, Stinkoln! I know youre really trying to help me, and I appreciate that. The sisters all emitted a large squee that practically shook all of the windows in the house. Re a great episode, '' says Lori `` this was just a minor setback: Lincoln, tears... Blushes * Thanks, Clydesdale beautiful and sweet of you to spendsome time with her mother 's.... Due for some bonding time that way '' explained Luna at her sleeping brother a... On you, Clydesdale my back to the kitchen wearing mix-matched clothes dumb '' added Lynn until pigs fly Lincoln... Hurt and have a good heart 11 years, all those times I 've been real to... For an hour and enjoy the view for a couple minutes, the look. Top of the door, Luna next morning, Lincoln: ( soothingly ) `` where they. Chest, much to his annoyance right hand, then, Lori: ( to Lynn ) and you n't! 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