Back at Warrens that afternoon, the boys were transfixed by local coverage of the Transy Book Heist.. The take could be more than $5 million. It gave me an excellent opportunity to learn Spanish. A uniformed doorman cheerily welcomed both boys into the lobby, where they informed reception that they were there for Mr. Walter Beckman's appointment with Thomas Leckey, Christie's rare-book specialist. The meeting ended after 30 minutes, and Ms. Halloran escorted the two out, assuring them that she'd be in touch after conferring with her superiors on the best way forward. Afterward, Warren and Spencer briefed the others, and the four went to lunch, where, the boys say, Chas insisted they spend another night in New York and attempt to see Mr. Leckey the next day. After several phone calls Warren managed to arrange a meeting in New York. Limited means forced my creativity into new areas. believing that they had escaped with next to nothing. As they scooted down the stairs their arms gave out and they stopped to catch their breath. Spencer, meanwhile, was accepted to Transylvania on an arts scholarship, his sights firmly set on a career in graphic design. Waiting for the law to snatch them was nerve-racking, but they went on with their lives as if nothing had been amiss. No response. One evening it occurred to Spencer that they had used the Walter Beckman Yahoo account to contact both Christie's and Gooch. Chas not only lived in the yellow bungalow but also was a part owner of it with his father, a prominent Lexington real-estate investor. They simply ignored him, and the four returned to Lexington. He looked like he was dressed from a thrift store, Halloran told the agents. For example, if you want to go on a vacation, you should first decide where you are going and how much money you have . Spencer Reinhard and Warren Lipka had grown up together in adjacent subdivisions on Lexington's south sidefully planned residential tracts wedged in between the city and the gradually receding horse country that rings it. Warren and Chas left the other two and staggered to the nearby China Club, a tacky West Side nightclub, which they knew about from the famous Rick James episode of Chappelle's Show. If we go in there they're not going to suspect that we stole these. a plan to fail spencer reinhard painting Bid on Art by Today's Leading Artists. It was the sense of redemption that I hadnt anticipated. Along the way a stoned Spencer read aloud from the purloined first edition of On the Origin of Species, particularly fascinated by the section on how the ears of domesticated animals have drooped over generations due to the disuse of the muscles of the ear from the animals not being much alarmed by danger.. Oct 16, 2018. Having told their parents that they were going on a ski trip to West Virginia, that weekend they loaded the loot into Erics Ford Explorer and took off on the 12-hour drive to New York for their Christies appointment. As far as they could see, there were only two ways out: either getting away with the crime or getting arrested for it. As they ran, they stumbled again into Chas, who had returned in another car as promised, just in time to save them and drive Eric to U.K. for his tennis-class exam. They jump in the van and peel out around the loop.. (Big Warren declined to comment on the gambling accusations at the time.) Barry described himself as an older man with a long ponytail and said hed be wearing a green scarf. (Because Spencer was a Transy student, he risked being recognized in the library.) Back at Warren's later that afternoon, the boys were transfixed by local coverage of the Transy Book Heist. According to the news, it appeared that neither Gooch nor anyone else was able to provide the police with an accurate description of the boys. It was only a tennis final, Eric says, but that final that day was actually harder than I thought it was going to be. Spencer drives me out to Lexington [Blue Grass Airport] on a Friday. Phase 2 involves the actual theft, and begins when Spencer takes his position at an upper-floor window of the nearby athletic center, where he will be on lookout. Back at Warrens later that afternoon, the boys were transfixed by local coverage of the Transy Book Heist. According to the news, it appeared that neither Gooch nor anyone else was able to provide the police with an accurate description of the boys. The truth is, but for one obvious, big mistakethe trip to Christie'sthey probably would have gotten away with it, a Lexington police detective told me. So I kind of go, That would be pretty crazy, wouldn't it? He said, Yeah, that would be kind of crazy. I then said, You know, why don't you look into it more and we'll go from there? Just like very unofficial.. He said his name was John. It had some tennis trivia in there that I wasnt expecting.. Frightened and alone in an unfriendly neighborhood and weighed down with priceless books, Warren and Eric barreled down the street, frantically trying to hail a police cruiser to rescue them. . To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. It was during his studies at Transylvania University that Spencer became aware of John James Audubons work, The Birds of America. What they would tell me, then, is their version of eventsand the only complete account of the planning, execution, and aftermath of the heist. agents poured in over the wreckage. I guess when we did that she went upstairs to check on B.J.. Jamaica has been great so far. All Rights Reserved. In the case of 67-year-old Alan Slattery of the U.K., it prevented a robbery from even happening. An American Animals coloring book, as well as original drawings Skip to content Spencer Reinhard Home After Audubon Prison Period Abstract Abstract color series Post prison Abstract About Shop Commissions Contact Menu Home After Audubon Prison Period Spencers life story and his practice are indelibly linked, thus the works he has created are a highly personal meditation on the journey Spencer Reinhard experienced. Only by committing a felony could they ensure that they would never end up living back in the sterile, suburban world of the subdivisions. He focused above all on painting, gaining admission into a prestigious Lexington arts program. The crew arrived in New York City early Sunday morning. What becomes apparent, as first faintly and then irreversibly, is the painting as a negative apotheosis of color and form, which Reinhardt defended himself against. It'll show up on your profile and if approved, on this page. The painting, in digital form, would become a popular screen saver on the F.B.I. And then they came up with the issue of getting these appraised. During our interview Eric told me, He was like just a weight on us. The guys hung out together when they could, with Warren frequently conjuring up fantasiesthrough billowing clouds of marijuana smokeof post-heist life for them in the Mediterranean, complete with sleek catamarans and topless women. Spencer Reinhard Please send me the price list, I am interested in purchasing an original Reinhard After Audubon 2014 to Present After prison I took up a casual interest in birds. If we got away with it, we'd be in Europe living this crazy life thinking we were Ocean's 11 types. Spencer continued with his heavy schedule of classes, studying, painting, and working out, while Warren returned full-time to U.K. With the pressure mounting, however, Warren was caught shoplifting a TV dinner from a local supermarket, Eric was arrested and charged with D.U.I.police pulled him over not only for running red lights but also because Warren was on top of the car, hanging on to the roof rackand Spencer crashed his Acura Legend. They had reserved a room in the same Midtown Hilton that Spencer and Warren had stayed in nearly a year earlier. It was just funny because weve been in a lot of places that theyve been, Eric says. But before long they were put to chase once again, this time by two local thugs. I still feel like I have a long way to go to reach my full potential, and I think Jamaica will be an integral step in that direction., American visual artist Spencer Reinhard, an artist-in-residence at Blue Macaw in Boscobel, St. Mary, The ornithologist in Spencer Reinhard takes gaze. For added anonymity, Warren bleached his hair blond that night. Artistically, it offered me the freedom to make the work I wanted to make without concern for my audience. Having concluded that the next logical stage of his development was to study art in college he enrolled at Transylvania University in Kentucky. They also did considerable research on the Internet, using such key terms as auction house appraisals, stun guns, and Swiss bank accounts. For inspiration, they watched heist movies like Oceans 11 and Snatch. Wedged in among the other houses on Beaumont Avenue, a quiet residential street near the U.K. campus, is a beaten-down yellow cinder-block bungalow, with two bedrooms on the second floor and two on the first. They also did considerable research on the Internet, using such key terms as auction house appraisals, stun guns, and Swiss bank accounts. For inspiration, they watched heist movies like Ocean's 11 and Snatch. The meeting was scheduled for the next morning on the southern edge of Central Park near the Plaza Hotel. Bam. We spoke about his paintings, especially A Plan to Fail. She offered to take his place. And so I see Warren go back.. . Once Warren had pulled the cap over Goochs eyes, the two laid a bedsheet on the ground and began piling on the seven Audubon folios they intended to steal (the four-volume Birds of America plus three volumes from another Audubon series). They also noticed a group of people lingering in the Rare Book Room. The plan for the actual robbery sets out three distinct phases. Bam. Spencer assembled a small wardrobe of fake beards, gray wigs, and costume glue. because she wanted a new Range Rover, like, what? Warren called Gooch back to change Walter Beckman's appointment to three P.M. On the morning of December 16, Warren's carefully scripted plan began to unravel almost immediately. Spencer was arrested in a simultaneous raid on his dorm room at Transy. The first call went out to the National Crime Information Center, alerting law enforcement to be on the lookout for a gray minivan with temporary plates, the description of a vehicle seen screeching away from the library. I was kind of skeptical, continues Spencer, but the way I rationalized it was: its the biggest auction house. Cops entered the basement, a dank pit reeking of marijuana, and found Warren sprawled out on a mattress. All rights reserved. Before, in college, growing up, we were being funneled into this mundane, nickel-and-dime existence. In exchange, Barry slipped him an e-mail address with instructions to sign off any communication with the name Terry. Cops entered the basement, a dank pit reeking of marijuana, and found Warren sprawled out on a mattress. By one o'clock that afternoon, the 227-year-old liberal-arts college was swarming with campus police, uniformed Lexington Police, plainclothes detectives, and forensic teams, as well as local news crews covering the developing Transy Book Heist, a crime that would one day be listed among the F.B.I. The painting is a kaleidoscope of images, including what appears to be a computer, a cell phone, a bong, the Transylvania library, and loose sheets of notepaper, floating above a desiccated. The investigation of the Transy Book Heist came to an explosive end on the morning of February 11, 2005, as a SWAT unit broke down the front door of the yellow bungalow with a battering ram, blasting stun grenades throughout the building. In fact, they all tell me that as the planning picked up in the months before the heist, the three of them came to believe that it was their best and perhaps last chance to create a viable life for themselves after college. I'm expecting when I get up there it's going to be taken care of and I'm just going to start lifting books. He was visibly unnerved, Warren remembers. I guess when we did that she went upstairs to check on B.J.. Frightened and alone in an unfriendly neighborhood and weighed down with priceless books, Warren and Eric barreled down the street, frantically trying to hail a police cruiser to rescue them. On the morning of December 17, 2004, Betty Jean Gooch, a librarian in the Special Collections Library at Transylvania University, in Lexington, Kentucky, was preparing for her 11 oclock appointment with Walter Beckman, a man she had never met. See also After prison I took up a casual interest in birds. (The librarian who chased them out of the library did tell police the correct total of four thieves, even though she had seen only three.) The two boys sought cover from the cops in the sprawling grounds of the housing projects. The three then take the staff-only elevator down to the bottom floor and escape out the west fire exit. Meanwhile, Eric lined up the G.T.A.V. That's what we were doing, kind of living this little Matchstick Men, college kind of life.. They said that this set, Birds of America, sold for $12 million. I said, Twelve million dollars, just sitting there? See, we have no choice now but to create something new, someplace else. Shop - Spencer Reinhard A selection of some of my works available in limited edition print. We did the robbery as a way to escape, Eric says. sent a team to interview Melanie Halloran, who told the agents about her meeting with Mr. Stephens and Mr. Williams. I love that my kids will grow up seeing both worlds and experiencing both cultures. Over the phone and by e-mail, Beckman had asked to view, among other items, a first edition of Charles Darwins On the Origin of Species and four double-size folios of John James Audubons Birds of America. The boys readily agreed, and she escorted them through the offices to a small conference room. Now the hard partwe have to steal them. I was nervous. During their sentencing hearing, in December 2005, the federal prosecutor asked for 11 to 14 years each for Eric, Chas, and Spencer, and 14 to 17 years for Warren, deeming him the leader, organizer, and recruiter. Slattery was arrested and convicted of one successful and two attempted robberies. Though they attended different high schools, both were varsity captains, and both made all-state. Spencer Reinhard and Warren Lipka had grown up together in adjacent subdivisions on Lexingtons south sidefully planned residential tracts wedged in between the city and the gradually receding horse country that rings it. part of a series on Honesty Churchill's statement can be agreed with. That was the plan. It immediately had kind of sparked my imagination, like a fantasy., O.K., so were sitting in the car, smoking weed, Warren recalls, and then Spencer said, I just took a tour in that library, and theres shit sitting there you wouldnt believe. We figured the more obvious [we were], the less likely [we would be suspected]., As it was already nearing the end of the school year, and there was a lot of planning yet to be done, they agreed to postpone the theft until at least the fall. The stun guns Warren had ordered never arrived, so he drove around town and returned with a Black Cobra Stun Pen, and had Spencer zap him and Eric to test its knockdown power. Boom. Among the prisoners are three of the four unlikely masterminds behind the Transy Book Heist: Warren Lipka, Spencer Reinhard, and Eric Borsuk. In early 2006, they began serving their sentences in federal prison, with no possibility for parole. Because the boys pleaded guilty, many of the cases crucial details remain unknown even to law enforcement. If you want to do something, you should figure out how you are going to do it. So I kind of go, That would be pretty crazy, wouldnt it? He said, Yeah, that would be kind of crazy. I then said, You know, why dont you look into it more and well go from there? Just like . By one o'clock that afternoon, the 227-year-old liberal-arts college was swarming with campus police, uniformed Lexington Police, plainclothes detectives, and forensic teams, as well as local news. "It's often considered a mistake in the art world to have multiple styles, but I have to go wherever my inspiration takes me. When she asked for contact information, Spencer gave her his cell-phone number. I get the call on the cell phone. Its often considered a mistake in the art world to have multiple styles, but I have to go wherever my inspiration takes me. Twelve million dollars, just sitting there? And so I see Warren go back. They jump in the van and peel out around the loop.. Warren was already busily working out the problem, returning for advice to his underworld contact: What if we had some artwork that we wanted to sell? Warren remembers asking him. Faced with overwhelming evidence, they all eventually confessed. The ground floor quickly filled with shouting cops, screaming young women, and a few dazed men in boxer shorts. We're going to need more people, Warren remembers thinking. I cant really get into too much specifics, Eric says, but we were doing all kinds of little scams: making fake IDs, making little things here and there. Pink, in this case to Chas. Spencer drives me out to Lexington [Blue Grass Airport] on a Friday. and having to sign a fucking book. By hitting the ball back into Warren's court, Spencer thought he would keep that thrilling flicker of criminality burning for a bit longer, while fully expecting there to be an insurmountable obstacle somewhere down the road. Like many aspiring art students Spencer believed that the academic community he was joining would inspire and enlighten him, exposing him to new experiences and methods. In early February 2005, the F.B.I. A witness had written down a license-plate number, but it was way off. As they took their seats in the conference room, Warren explained that he and Mr. Stephens are the sole representatives of Walter Beckman, whom he described as a very private individual from Boston who had recently inherited several valuable rare books and manuscripts. And the woman there says, We had a set just like this that we sold four years ago for like $12 million. It could have been eight. The set was one of fewer than 200 produced. If not, we were going to get caught and it was going to be a crazy story., And now that we've diverted from that path, we feel liberated, Warren tells me, waving his arms around the room. LET'S START WITH 10 DAYS OF . The set was one of fewer than 200 produced. Seeing something in the wayward Warren, the preppy grifter pitched him the idea of selling fake Kentucky driver's licenses in the U.K. dorms. Nothing like a six year prison sentence to get the creative juices flowing. Warren jumped at the opportunity and recruited another adrift freshman, his old high-school soccer teammate Eric Borsuk, as a partner. The severity of the requested sentences was predicated on the dual propositions that, although the Audubon volumes had never been physically removed from the library, according to the letter of the law they were nonetheless stolenincreasing the monetary value of the crimeand that the Black Cobra Stun Pen used to subdue B. J. Gooch not only inflicted physical harm but was in actuality a dangerous weapon. Worse still for the defendants, B. J. Gooch's ordeal had become a cause clbre among librarians, many of whom wrote letters to the judge arguing against leniency. Once the boys were inside the library, students stared at the ridiculous old-man disguises. Inside were the books, wrapped in sheets and pillowcases. Lifting a technique straight from the film Reservoir Dogs, Warren assigned code names based on color: Mr. Green (Spencer), Mr. Yellow (Warren), and Mr. Black (Eric)as in the film, emotions turned testy when he assigned Mr. Before rendering her decision, the judge made preliminary findings that each of the boys was equally culpable, that the value of the books stolen would include only those physically removed from the building, and although Gooch suffered no bodily injury, the stun pen was in fact a dangerous weapon. . After a brief discussion they chose Chas Allen, a handsome, clean-cut U.K. business major who had started the lawn-care company with Eric the previous summer. They were skeptical, Warren recalls. Built over old tobacco fields in the 80s, they feature ponds with fountains, cookie-cutter brick Colonial houses, street names like Ironbridge Drive and Turnberry Lane, and regulations authorizing penalties for unkempt yards and tacky lawn Santas. In the early evening, they say they smoked some celebratory Kentucky Bluegrass weed they had stashed away for the occasion. Still shaken from her ordeal, Gooch, in her 50s, told police that shortly after entering the Rare Book Room with the two men she had been struck on the arm with a Taserlike weapon, her hands and feet were bound with zip ties, and a wool cap was pulled over her eyes. So I walk off happy, come back to the States, and blow Spencer's mind.. (Because Spencer was a Transy student, he risked being recognized in the library.) Among them was the 2002 photo from the Lexington Herald-Leader of Spencer and Warren playing soccer. The Lexington Police Departments commercial-burglary squad was assigned to the case. In the fall of 2004, Warren Lipka moved into the unfinished basement. Spencer, meanwhile, was short, wiry, distant, and in many ways Warrens opposite: an over-scheduled, over-achieving, diamond-tipped drill of a kid who excelled at whatever he set himself to. I think we all knew that we wanted something different, and we had to break away from where we were living. The next morning, all nerves, he left for the meeting site, a caf within walking distance. The others spent time in the library, too, taking notes on staff routines and viable escape routes. He also didnt have photos, photocopies, documentation, or even the slightest ability to intelligently discuss the books. agent discovered the stolen books, all undamaged, as well as the five-page typed plan for the heist, an accounting ledger, wigs, instructions for opening a Swiss bank account, and stun guns, which had apparently arrived after the robbery. Because their campuses were only a mile apart, they assumed they would stay close, but as with most freshmen, their assured identities and easy expectations muddied once they hit campus. They checked into the Hilton Hotel in Midtown, Warren signing in under the nom de guerre Harry Ballsania name backed up with one of their fake Kentucky driver's licensesand paying in cash. They climbed onto dorm roofs, where theyd stake out the library for hours at a time, marking down the comings and goings of teachers, students, and security personnel. The plan for the actual robbery sets out three distinct phases. Spencer had underestimated his friends resolve. That was the point all along. Spencer was arrested in a simultaneous raid on his dorm room at Transy. Only by committing a felony could they ensure that they would never end up living back in the sterile, suburban world of the subdivisions. onto nearby Fourth Street and careened through traffic before stopping a mile farther on, in front of a predominantly black housing project. Suddenly without Eric's mock-ups, software, and equipment, Warren thought of Spencer. Gicle print on Hahnemuhle Photo Paper (Matt 210gr) 2021 Limited edition of 25, all prints are signed and numbered. Far from being social outcasts, they had been popular athletes, and two were on some form of college scholarship. So we get the passport from the dude, plane tickets. is parked in front of the library and the four are in 1st Position at bottom of stairs of library.. Though I showed artwork briefly with Ann Tower Gallery, my career as an artist has been limited to private sales and commissions, including contributing a mural to PRHBTN in Lexington in 2018. I was kind of skeptical, continues Spencer, but the way I rationalized it was: it's the biggest auction house. Meanwhile, Eric lined up the G.T.A.V. Were going to need more people, Warren remembers thinking. Mr. Beckman now wanted these books appraised. Warren also ordered four stun guns over the Internet. Seeing something in the wayward Warren, the preppy grifter pitched him the idea of selling fake Kentucky drivers licenses in the U.K. dorms. He was just so unbearable. Afraid to Look - Spencer Reinhard Home / Prints / Afraid to Look Afraid to Look $ 789 Full sized print of acrylic on canvas painting. Chas cursed Warren as an incompetent, and condemned the other two as burnouts, demanding that the three figure out a way to get the books appraised so they could move on to the next phase of the plan. Undeterred, Warren introduced himself as Terry, firmly shaking hands before sitting down. During a meeting in the basement, Warren convinced the other two that they were going to need a fourth, principally to help haul the nearly 250 pounds in Audubon folios out of the library. Spencer gives me 500 bucks, in my pocket. Phase 1 begins at the bungalow when all four get into what Warren designated the G.T.A.V., or the Go-to-and-Away-Vehicle, all disguised as old men. a plan to fail painting reinhard. Warren had been convinced after spotting a suspicious man loitering near the yellow bungalowwhen he stepped outside, the man disappeared into an unmarked white van with tinted windows and sped off. His clumsy attempt to clear his name, in a no-holds-barred interview with BBC, Gabby Petitos Life WithAnd Death ByBrian Laundrie. We figured, All right, well, now we just got what we thought would be impossible . The painting is a kaleidoscope of images, including what appears to be a computer, a cell phone, a bong, the Transylvania library, and loose sheets of notepaper, floating above a desiccated one-eyed young man in a watch cap, kicking back on a beat-up couch with a blue dog on his lap. Chas turned the G.T.A.V. Honored to share the PRHBTN fest with you - your mural being the main attraction of course. Warren introduced himself as Mr. Williams. Spencer, meanwhile, was accepted to Transylvania on an arts scholarship, his sights firmly set on a career in graphic design. Once safely back in Lexington, the two created a Yahoo account and sent off the e-mail in which they claimed to have unspecified rare books in their possession, using the name Terry, as instructed. Spencer believed it was an insurmountable problem. Amid safety concerns, and anxiety over the fate of a $200 million movie. They were 20 steps ahead [of the librarian]. Get the latest chatter, from Kensington Palace and beyond, straight to your inbox. The meeting lasted no more than 15 minutes, but still, it was a turning point because the men explained to Warren a crucial step of selling rare books, stolen or otherwise: appraisal by a legitimate auction house. 5 The British Bank Robber Foiled By His Own Handwriting. If we go in there theyre not going to suspect that we stole these. The day of the heist was to be Thursday, December 16, one of the last days of final examsthe library would be nearly empty. They stopped talking entirely and disbanded. Spencer called himself Mr. Stephens. Vanity Fair may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. If we got away with it, wed be in Europe living this crazy life thinking we were Oceans 11 types. Social outcasts, they watched Heist movies like Oceans 11 types our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie and. As Terry, firmly shaking hands before sitting down and Mr. Williams even! A meeting in New York City early Sunday morning from being social outcasts they... And said hed be wearing a green scarf of crazy cases crucial details unknown! Away from where we were Oceans 11 and Snatch cases crucial details remain even!, on this page years ago for like $ 12 million students at. 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Spencer and Warren playing soccer watched Heist movies like Oceans 11 types their breath made all-state and we 'll from... Warren introduced himself as an older man with a long ponytail and said hed wearing! Of selling fake Kentucky drivers licenses in the art world to have multiple,! Suddenly without Eric 's mock-ups, software, and a few dazed Men in boxer.!